“2021” is the first installation and was born when Sam’s therapist asked her, "if it were up to you, how would the world be?" 2021 illustrates the yin and yang of existence. The dragonfly soaked in water conveys the lulls of life that force an individual to adapt. The adaptation is presented in the fish thriving. This piece was made as an ode to Santhi Budiartho, the artist's mother, rule of life: balance.
Ethereum is hidden here; catch it if you can.
“TAUGHT” is the second installation; it is a continuation of Sam’s exploration of her ego. The woman signifies the artist’s vessel. Around the woman is a clutter-fuck of the exterior world. The ego is composed of many external pushes and pulls, particularly from the intense dynamics of inter and intrapersonal relationships.
Bitcoin is lodged in the window to her soul. Can you see it?
The third installation is “ME,” the woman lightly sketched as a queen is the artist herself. This self-portrait illustrates her cultural identity of being both Indonesian and Singaporean. In the 1999 riots, her parents took refuge in Singapore. In 2000, Sam was born, holding both the identities of these Asian countries.
Ripple is plastered throughout the piece. It’s merely a pattern.
“2,” the fourth piece, is the artist's personal favorite. Layered in the concept of inception, the “Green Goblin” chair lives in Sam’s good friends’ house. The artist uses those who are valuable in her life as her true north. This is an ode to those who have unconditionally accepted the artist.
Litecoin is the final inception.
“BEFRIEND” is the fifth installation. This piece is a portrait of the artist’s best friend, Kelly Peterson. What better way to crystalize the idea of “befriending” than to draw her ride or die? Due to Sam’s synesthesia, orange and pink sparked her mind as she read the word “BEFRIEND.”
The purple and blues of Solana are weaved throughout the pinks and oranges.
The sixth piece, “MY,” is a self-portrait with the CRO coin symbol positioned dead center. The three different portraits illustrate that there are multiple layers to identity. The ID, the ego, and the subconscious. This piece is primarily about understanding the intimacy an individual has toward themselves. According to the artist, self-portraits are daunting because staring at images of yourself for hours is just “weirdly meta.”
“EGO,” the seventh piece, consists of a bear and a loose illustration of the mitochondria. These images conceptually hold the artist’s ego. The bear is her spirit animal, paired with the long-standing statement “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.” The two relate with one another in exemplifying the ferocity of her ego.
Tether is incorporated into the bear’s digestive system.
The eighth piece, “BOSS,” are pieces of items that rule the world. What is the universe ruled by? It’s ruled through biology, the human heart, and mother nature. The reds spread across signify the forceful nature of bosses. In the center, Dogecoin is placed as a cute juxtaposition. Bosses don’t always have to be seriously inclined. Good bosses know when to be forceful and when to be gentle/playful.
“BITCH” is the ninth and second to last piece. The green eye is of Sam’s other ride-or-die, Laura Quirke. Here, the artist tries to crystalize the “bitch stare.” Throughout the piece, hints of mother nature shine through to exude strength, courage, and fortitude. Sam has always been inclined to run into cold open waters and forests. Mother nature has a welcoming bitch stare.
Enveloped in the eye is Binance Coin.
“BUDIARTHO” is the tenth and final piece of the installation. The piece is made to look like an old coffee-stained page from a book. The final piece upholds the history and culture of the artist’s last name. The center of the piece has a light sketch of a castle, exemplifying the richness of a surname. If the piece were to be translated into words, it would say, “I am a Budiartho. This is my ego. She doesn’t care what you think about her.”